In INDIA especially in “Delhi Metro” so many of girls & women who could be your sister, mother, girlfriend or wife who suffers from Eve Teasing, sexual harassment or harassment.
We always talk about the possible solution for this but haven’t taken any initiative for that but Mexico Government has taken an initiative for that.
An experimental seat installed in the Mexico City underground in January 2017 has been causing quite the discomfort among passengers. The seat which looks remarkably like a naked man’s torso is an effort by UN Women and Mexico City government to draw attention to the regular problem of sexual harassment faced by women in public spaces.
In an intentionally provocative effort to raise awareness of rampant sexual harassment on Mexico City subways, the city has installed a “penis seat” on one of its busiest trains.
In a mysterious PSA that has gone viral alongside the hashtag #NoEsDeHombres, the seat has been installed on Mexico City’s No. 7 line train under a sign that reads “Exclusive for Men.”
The video shows that the seat has been labelled ‘exclusively for men’, and manages to elicit a myriad of emotions from travellers. Some look visibly disgusted and annoyed, while others look embarrassed or turn away.
A neat and effective message is written for anyone who ‘braves’ sitting down.
The video named, Experimento Asiento Incómodo (Uncomfortable Seat Experiment), has been uploaded on March 20, 2017, and has managed to garner over three million views so far.
The ‘penis seat’ sexual harassment awareness video ends with the sobering reminder that ‘Nine out of 10 women in Mexico City have been victims of some form of sexual violence’
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